A Tough Act to Follow

As live performances continue their return, Omaha’s event coordinators
must adapt to a changing landscape.

Story by Sam Crisler. Published in The Reader.

Reed Moore’s Daily Rundown

Happy National Pumpkin Day

Today’s news heard this is Charlie Brown’s favorite celebration: Tenants say they’ve been evicted after reporting their rental house to the city, the Sarpy County Board might decrease the salaries of the county’s election commissioner and deputy election commissioner, and Papillion La Vista Community Schools and Ralston Public Schools shift away from mandated masking.

Harper’s Index Fact of the Day

Number of state immunization managers who have left
their jobs since the COVID-19 vaccine became available: 10

Source: Association of Immunization Managers (Rockville, Md.)

For nationwide COVID-19 case and vaccination trends, click here.
Want to get vaccinated against COVID-19 this week? Click the following URL:

Around Omaha

Around Nebraska

Follow Anton for Local Government News

The Omaha City Council and Board of County Commissioners are meeting today, and reporter Anton Johnson is sitting in on the City Council meeting. Follow Anton at @AntonIsWriting for live tweets, and to catch up on important items from today’s agenda.

Reed Moore Presents a Film Review: 
Dune: Space Paul Is White Jesus!

It sure is pretty, but is that enough? asks Reader critic Ryan Syrek.

Find film content here, and check out local guides here.

The Daily Funny

Click the image to see the full comic from Jen Sorensen.

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