The Reader and El Perico Final Party! Join us as we say goodbye to The Reader and El Perico after 29 years. Saturday, December 16, 2023 6:00 PM CT at The Admiral 2234 South 13th Street Omaha, NE.
Posted inCulture

The Great Migration comes home

The 20th century migration African-Americans made from the South to the North and West expanded black enclaves across the nation. While Omaha didn’t experience a huge influx like Chicago or Los Angeles, it was enough to alter the cultural and socio-economic landscape. This epoch movement went little examined outside scholarly circles and literary works until […]

Posted inCulture

Wheel of Fortune

“I like the spectacle of it,” said artist Tim Jag, “I love how the circus comes into your town and does this big weekend, and then they pack up and they’re gone…quite the freedom.” And that is what internationally recognized showmen Tim Jag and Gary Parkins have done for a week living in The New […]