The New Moon in gregarious Sagittarius will really light up the seasonal festivities. There are three Fire signs in the Zodiac. The first, Aries represents the fiery Solar/Martian victory over Winter’s cold. Leo represents basking in Summertime’s afternoon glow. And the “fire” of Sagittarius represents the warmth of human contact and gathering together to survive our coldest season — as if we needed a reason. Let’s get cozy as our cheeks turn rosy? Use this week to create a happy end to Fall, you all. Peace and Love Shall Conquer All. There are no mistakes. — SAGITTARIUS (11.23-12.21) Keep your third eye on the first, brightest “star” in the sky. That’s Jupiter, your ruler, high in the sky at Sunset (in Pisces, sign of dreams) until we enter the sign of the unexpected (Aquarius, Jan. 22) and Jupiter enters Aries, the sign of new starts. What can you possibly dream until then? How BIG can you dream/think/be? Our dreams spark our schemes here on Earth, where we find what our dreams are worth. Enjoy yourself, those things you’ve achieved and your friends and family. You’ve got this month of fun, followed by a month (Capricorn) of paying the bills for your thrills and then unexpectedly (that means don’t blab about it!) you put your head down and charge LARGE into something new, fiery, exciting and fresh. CAPRICORN (12.22-1.20) You woke up Dec. 1 with a dream message from your Mentor. Thursday, Dec. 2, the importance of beauty, balance and design helps define your dream. Even you pragmatic saturnine non-dreamers can learn, if you’ll just listen … but to what, if not your dreams? You have two more years to create the harmony you seek in your life, in how you get by, in how you define your art, your reputation and your relationship(s). AQUARIUS (1.21-2.19) Hang loose until the New Moon in Sagittarius Dec. 5 at Sunset. Your esoteric ruler, the planet Uranus, moves direct at 26 degrees Pisces. Meanwhile, Mercury’s conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Somebody’s talking for you and taking care of the money on the side/behind the scenes. It’ll be a beautiful day for you. Let’s see who shows up for lunch? This culminates everything you’ve thought about or tried since the Fourth of “Jewel lied.” PISCES (2.20-3.20) Ancient truth is available for those of you most psychically in tune with the Hunab Ku, the center of our Milky Way Galaxy (at 26 degrees Sagittarius) and the GOD of the Mayans. Neptune is harmonious with Mars conjunct the Hunab Ku. Read Carl Johan Calleman, Jose Arguelles, Mysteries of the Mexican Pyramids by Peter Tompkins. Then let’s watch APOCALYPTO followed by The Fountain to get in the mood to speak/listen to that culture, and to ascertain the ancient truth in order to know where we truly stand come Dec. 23, 2012. ARIES (3.21-4.20) Read Pisces. You’ve got one more week to party, then it’s time to hunker down until mid January to perfect your projects. Then it’ll be time to expect the unexpected. Your 9th House is lit up. Travel, the fruit of generosity, goodwill toward others and feasting fill your cup. Drink deep. Until then (Jan. 8), party on! TAURUS (4.21-5.20) Your short respite is over, Rover. You’re back in the doghouse. What kind of Cosmic roommate have you been? You’ll again see yourself through the eyes of others, sisters, brothers, mothers, lovers amidst beaucoup Vou Dou hexes from your hoodooing exes. Venus (now direct) conjuncts where it was mid September (1 degree Scorpio) and transits your opposite sign Scorpio until Jan. 4-6. Hang in with a low profile until you find a way to partner up and let them drink from your lovin’ cup. Lend them what power you can muster. Find the love and use it to grow into the required wisdom to stay warm in cold weather. That’ll guarantee you a drink at any bar in the Cosmos. GEMINI (5.21-6.21) My God! Get as much together as you can this week! More next week! Read Cancer for a clue and low profile as a rule. CANCER (6.22-7.22) The New Moon in Sagittarius is Sunday before lunch. You’ll love to eat a bunch at brunch, then either work out or start early on your workweek (6th House concerns), until next we speak. Make sure communications are succinct as possible this week before they turn to drivel as Mercury moves retrograde in your opposite sign Friday, Jan. 10, amidst the drivel. Are you ready to publish, compose, travel and unravel life’s mysteries? LEO (7.23-8.22) Sunday is your day! The planet Uranus moves direct in your theoretical 8th House of other people’s money during the New Moon in lucky, ducky, funky Sagittarius. Unexpected holiday money’s lookin’ for you, BooBoo. It’s too early for Santa Claus, but you’d better be good anyway. They’ll be dressed in electric light blue with something “good” for you to say or do. You’re back in your element. Let the good times Roll! Time for you to Rock! VIRGO (8.23-9.22) Get it together this week before next we speak. The coming confusion stems from your children, art and pursuit of pleasure, then sneaks in through the back door of your life at a party. Get ready this week and help it happen by partying as hearty as possible without pissing anybody off. LIBRA (9.23-10.22) Money for art. Make it beautiful and you can balance your account. Your pay is defined by how fine your design. SCORPIO (10.23-11.22) The confusion slips in the back door next week as a retrograding Mercury starts its mayhem conjunct your esoteric ruler, Pluto, at 5 degrees Capricorn in your theoretical 3rd House. Brothers, sisters and everyday life will be the issues. Communicate now.

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