King Neptune welcomes you into the Ocean of Devotion that is Pisces. Neptune rules the subconscious, mysticism, fantasy, music and dreams; the number “9,” the color purple and that which cannot be explained — anything indefinable. (How about ‘dem definable abs, too?). I explain the mystery of Neptune’s trident spear in/on my tune, “PISCES,” from the “ZODIAC,” my life long mystical, musical survey through the 12 Astronomical signs of experience. I’m releasing one sign at a time for 99 cents at It (Inshallah) will/shall/should be ready by the next Full Moon, March 19. So far you can order a very beautiful tune for the sign of Capricorn at Tell me what you think (dream). PISCES (2.20-3.20) A Martian visits for tea. A Virgo/Gemini wants to talk to you about you and me. Take care of any loose ends in order to be reborn on the afternoon of March 4th, the New Moon in Pisces. Clean up and good luck! The key phrase for Pisces is “I and All Life.” We are all fish in the Aquarium of God. ARIES (3.21-4.20) Deep into the mysteries of the past, the origins and incubation of life itself, the depths of your psychological ocean of experience. You’ve got until April to explore your subconscious, both personal and then the Universal. You have to purify your personal subconscious before you are/will be allowed into the Holy of Holies? You are granted a preview March 6th & 7th. Let the Waters of Life cleanse you, to lighten your load so’s you can “flame on” the first week in April. Expect the unexpected April 3rd! Your key phrase is “I am.” TAURUS (4.21-5.20) Money’s going to be the BIG deal until March, as if it isn’t always for you this/your entire incarnation? You chose to be a Taurus? Your key phrase as a Taurus is “I Have.” You are here to explore this material Universe until you realize it’s all an analogy for what’s really going on both here (3D) and throughout the interpenetrating levels (bardos) of this/your conscious experience? Too heavy? Maybe I’m preparing you for a Quantum Leap next week! (Well then, look it up?) GEMINI (5.21-6.21) Your key phrase, as an incarnating Gemini, is “I Think.” You’ll have an ocean of information to think about as your ruler Mercury has just been launched onto the nebulous immensity of the “Ocean of Emotion” (Pisces); for a short cruise until Ash Wednesday, March 9th. You can/will/may receive the lightning bolt of the Holy Word with the ashes marking your 3rd Eye? CANCER (6.22-7.22) Your key phrase this incarnation is “I Hold Onto.” What is it that catches your eye and causes you to reach out? And how come you can never let it go? How does the MOJO know? Time for you to dream … Why are there more millionaire Cancers than any other sign? What are you/they trying to hold onto? We’ll discuss these and other solutions next week when once again we speak. Write your dreams down for this coming month. LEO (7.23-8.22) Here comes the final chord in your symphony. Ta-da! Completion always feels good, whether it’s the New News or the same ol’ blues. You win or your lose depending on how/what you choose. Your key phrase, as a Leo, is/will be “I Give Out.” This is the Year of the Cat, isn’t it? Is this your year to shine like a feline? Completion first(!)? Simba … Simba … Simba … VIRGO (8.23-9.22) Your key phrase is “I Perfect.” Virgo is/represents the sign of Mother Nature, the power to grow things and the Earthly Magique that can turn the seed into a sprout. Much overlooked (ring a psychological bell, Pavlov?), but without it there can be/is no life on this planet. Time to sprout your Spring garden — whatever that means to you, whatever form it takes. LIBRA (9.23-10.22) Venus enters Aquarius along with the Moon on March 1st. Spread the love and the good cheer until Spring! See what your sharing shall bring. Key phrase for Libra is “I and One Other.” With Venus in Aquarius share it with your sister and your brother. Look up “altruism” and then become it. Study and use science and electricity. SCORPIO (10.23-11.22) Until April Martians are looking at/into Spirituality; or is it looking into them? Plutonians are engaging in an economic enterprise to open up their eyes. Scorpio’s key phrase is “I and the Universe.” Scorpios need to find their harmonious place within the All to feel secure. In an ordered Universe, you made a promise to get/be here? (Time to) back it up. SAGITTARIUS (11.23-12.21) Hold onto your horses until April 3rd. Trust me. I can see/feel you chomping at the bit. Hold onto it. Your key phrase this incarnation is “I and Groups of People”; your place amidst your tribe — the 30 to 40 people that know you and your limits as you know them and theirs. The Moon is in your sign until Saturday the 26th until noon. Even though you’ve got a chance, keep it in your pants. CAPRICORN (12.22-1.20) Scorpios got a BIG MONEY idea. Listen but don’t hurry. The/any opposition comes in early April. You (and a partner?) and your reputation will seemingly have to stand against the world. Build up your meditative cool in the meantime with your subsequent dreams. If you don’t give them a target you’ll have a better chance at surviving harmoniously? Enchant them by/with your absence? Magicians don’t leave — they disappear. You are/will be the distributor of wealth. Your key phrase is “I and the Fruits of the World.” AQUARIUS (1.21-2.19) Here comes Venus, March 1st, with the Moon. Love (Venus) is on the way and a woman (the Moon) will/may prove the facilitator? You are “I and All Humans”; the feeling that we are all brothers and sisters on/of the planet. Life is a gamble. You win or you lose depending on how and what you choose. Choose well on April 3rd!

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