Happy Cazimi New Moon in Capricorn, at 1:44 in the afternoon (Omax time) on Friday the 11th. Very lucky; especially for Capricorns and Libras, old people, old rich people, yogis and yoginis, Tantrikas, bosses, fathers and very horny old goats! How’s your little “goatee”? We’ll see…?


j CAPRICORN (12.22-1.20)  Are we having fun yet? Well, for you, Zippy, the fun’s just begun! You’re on a run to seize the Sun, just caught by the Capricorn Cazimi (which means “Heart of the Sun”) New Moon on Friday the 11th, at a quarter of 2:00 in the afternoon. Make a wish a half hour before or after (either way), and see what your gods/loa/saints have to say. Our best, most magical and holy wishes are born of no apparent purpose, thereby welcoming/inviting the unexpected. Where conscious purpose is to be seen, innocence has been lost.

k AQUARIUS (1.21-2.19)  You’ve got a lot going on, but for now, keep it to yourself and under wraps. Work quietly on your personal alchemy. It’s a metaphor for the “great chore” — the magnum opus; living life with(in) a purpose. Fire is/will be the/a key. Your crucible is/will be your life or your/a wife — the holy vessel that keeps your boat afloat. Channel your waters of emotion with/into devotion. You are the air; now get your share of Earth and/to find what your dreams are worth — but not ’til April 1st!

l PISCES (2.20-3.20)  How are the most beautifully evolved of God’s creatures? Ahhh… Pisces. The ultimate astrological (road) sign (on the highway) to the divine. If only you had…(25 words or less)…the time? It’s time for you to do your yoga. For these next 13 years, your immensity of spirit is bound/about to increase, as you trade in your golden fleece for a piece of the Boat of Ra on an ocean of everything you ever saw. Think holy thoughts. Now, think ’em for everybody…and you win!

a ARIES (3.21-4.20)  What happened on Christmas Day? Well, for one thing, your ruler Mars slipped out of business-oriented, pragmatic, practical Capricorn into the far-out, unexpected, exciting, electric, eclectic, eccentric (why overdo it when you can REALLY overdo it?) sign of Aquarius, whilst the esoteric ruler of Aquarius (Uranus…and yes, I’ve heard that joke) has 6 more years of its duty tour in your sign, for sure! You can expect every nut case in the universe knocking at your front door, asking for — and then demanding — more! You’re on their galactic roadmap ’til February. Ahhhh… Thanks for inviting me over. Can you get me another beer…? Ahhh… Thanks. Where’s the remote?

b TAURUS (4.21-5.20)  Any mystical Mayan meditations last Sunday, as Venus conjuncted the god of the Maya and the galactic center of our Milky Way; the Hunab Ku? Right now, Venus just entered Capricorn for thi$ next month, and money, to be $ure, is going to have a lot of allure. Let’s face it, somebody’s got to pay for all the champagne and caviar, beers and burgers, baseball caps and bumper stickers, right? It’s also a good month for taking care of old debts and/or doing your yoga.

c GEMINI (5.21-6.21)  You’re on a short spin through Capricorn, from January 1st ’til Mercury conjuncts the Sun and they both enter Aquarius (Mercury’s sign of exaltation) hand-in-hand on January 18th/19th. Get the money together ’til then, then let your genius flow. This be the truth, from MOJOPO.

d CANCER (6.22-7.22)  Your partnerships hold the/your answer. They’ve got all the power for an hour. Make a wish on whom you want to winter with. It’s not too late for you (2) to skate. Pave their way. If you shovel your walk, they can drop over for a talk. If you continue to pay your heating bill, they’ll offer you a fleeting thrill as you sled on down their hill. Check yourself out through the eyes of others — especially under the covers. How does the MOJO know?

e LEO (7.23-8.22)  Time for the kings and queens to work behind the scenes in/on your own “Game of Thrones.” Yes, I’m now addicted. (No! You idiot! Not that!) I’m talking about the show! There are about 200 excellent actors in the series, proving that it’s a little rough behind the throne when you’re going to have to tough it all alone. True, everybody dies — but it’s more fun than a slow-dance party for a/the dwarf. I’m at the point where the 3 baby dragons are born, and I’m waiting for the strength to go on… Has anyone seen my twin sister(!)? Oh well, I’ve got to finish this article…back to the wall. —Michael of Golden Hair

f VIRGO (8.23-9.22)  Focus on the pleasure principles in/of your life; your creativity, your children, the children of your mind, the simple pleasures of incarnation and being alive at this time on this/your loving Mother Earth. You’re here to explore the/your power to nurture and make things grow. That’s where the real pleasure is for you during this lifetime.

g LIBRA (9.23-10.22)  It’s time to get serious (Venus moves into Capricorn ’til February) about your pad (the Cazimi New Moon in Capricorn in your theoretical 4th House). Pick up the pieces from your holiday ribaldry and get your house back to order — one room at a time. If your room is synonymous with your mind (and it is), and your house is the equivalent of your body, then what’s the basement? (Your subconscious.)

h SCORPIO (10.23-11.22)  Thanks for all the good vibes I meet as I greet all you sexxxy Scorpios on the street. We be kickin’ it! We had a good/regenerative holiday season, thanks to the Sun conjunct Pluto in early Capricorn, in mutual reception with Capricorn’s ruler, Saturn, in Scorpio. Saturn can only be placated by hard work, the paying off of all (including karmic) debts, and yoga (whatever that means to you) — period! It’s about time… It is time… It’s time for you to make it your time…

i SAGITTARIUS (11.23-12.21)  Continue researching, revamping and reiterating ’til the end of the month. The less I say, the more your mind is open to roaming. “Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam,” and if it’s not Ted Turner’s place, I’ll show you a home that needs lots of maintenance! “Call for cleanup duty again in the bathroom!” How does the MOJO know?

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