John William Heaston
January 23rd 1971 – May 31st 2024


Born to Omaha’s Irish-German Catholic father Bill and Baltimore’s German Jewish mother Dorris, an adventurous pair that met serving in Vietnam, John had one very privileged upbringing as an Army brat, rich in love, laughter and confidence, never wanting for anything except a personal computer at the dawn of the Information Age. Despite incessant auditions from the field, he was never admitted to the church choir.

The oldest of two oldest, he was respectful of, yet unafraid to poke, authority. His run as the near perfect child (with very notable exceptions with each new posting) ended with his drivers license in Omaha, where he carefully drove the “Six Pack” and others through a series of late ‘80s misadventures, culminating in the fight to save Sokol, when the real work began.

But it was never work, it was an honor, joy and life’s mission. That’s been covered. Let’s get to the important stuff. He’s survived by a lot, but not as many uncles.

If John ever started anything it was thanks to amazing parents and siblings. If he ever sustained anything it was thanks to her.

Lori Ellen Umstead is the spring in his step, the wind in his sail, the twinkle in his eye and so much more. Her empathy, passion and precision completed him. His deepest regret is not being there with her in retirement, to explore, play and share. He loved his Sweet Pea, more than all the stars, the sun and the moon. She is his joy.

His parents and siblings are incredible, with a bond forged across many moves and the roots of recent refugee immigrants and hard scrabble farmers made good.

His extended family is amazing. In addition to The Heastons and Robertsons, there are the Kahns and Lynches, the Nigros, and more.

His friends ran deep, a 2nd family of sorts. He was never short of hands for a good misadventure.

For everyone, a piece of my mind — show grace, hug it out and laugh every chance possible. –  John

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