Jan. 7-28 Positive Space: Daniel Muller/Justin Beller Duo Show The New BLK Gallery, 1213 Jones St. Reception Jan. 7, 6-10 p.m., FREE Gallery hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat.-Sun. by appt., 871.1333, thenewblk.com Though artist Daniel Muller is known for finding inspiration in decay and emptiness, his current show with Justin Beller is quite the contrary, according to New BLK Director Shane Bainbridge. “The space they define is anything but negative,” says Bainbridge of the show. “It celebrates an opportunity for growth, imagination and freedom.” Beller and Muller, friends, co-workers and neighbors, collaborate for their first time, exploring the role of negative space in their process creating art for viewers, each via their own medium. Beller works with raw pigment, polyurethane, plaster and paint on his custom designed panels creating richly colored, curious abstract work. Muller tackles the space with photography printed to canvas featuring limitless subjects from nature and figures to architecture and waste.

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