g LIBRA (9.23-10.22)  What a beautiful transit! Heaven on Earth to see/find what our dreams are worth. Thanks for being so beautiful, so cordial and sooooo sweet! ’Til next we meet… Here comes Venus. Let Venus come between us.

h SCORPIO (10.23-11.22)  Saturn has just entered Scorpio, hand-in-hand with Mercury. Use your maturity and the fruits of your experience to school your brain/intellect and/or contemplate who you want to be socially/sexually/financially in this 3-D world we seemingly share, during these next 3 years as Saturn continues its transit through Scorpio. It’s your turn next. Put/bet it all on black 13 (Pluto) and give ’er a spin after initiating (you[’ll] know what!) on the 27th. Good luck! It’s your turn next…!

i SAGITTARIUS (11.23-12.21)  Party hearty, starting right now! This Thursday the 18th is your day! You (could/would/should?) find love around/after sunset; but you and I both know you wouldn’t/won’t know what to do with it, right? Ahhh… What prithe doth freedom cotht? (Pleathe excuthe my overbithe.) Have some fun with your honey bun before something unexpected this way comthe, about/around midnight on the day of the Sun.

j CAPRICORN (12.22-1.20)  It’s your weekend! Let’s look and see, shall we? First of all: Save it for Saturday. I would prescribe divine music of/with some kind, followed by seafood and a bit of wine (Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces), followed by L. O. V. E. with an older (Scorpio?) person (the Moon sextile your ruler Saturn, now in Scorpio). If you hang ’til after sunset on Sunday you may hear talk of “commitment,” with the Moon square the Sun on the last day of Libra.

k AQUARIUS (1.21-2.19)  I feel a career shift next week. Early on Moonday morning you have a dream about/from your boss, your dad or some other figure of authority. A little later, the Moon in Aquarius sextiles your ruling planet Uranus in Aries at 10:00 a.m., sparking the electricity that’s going to warm your blanket/home/life throughout this coming winter; in the process of answering the question, “Where do I want to be next spring (on April 1st)?”

l PISCES (2.20-3.20)  Jupiterians: If you’re a writer (aren’t all know-it-alls destined to become writers? Worked for me…), this would/could be your year (’til June) to get past your personally imposed obstacles (Jupiter retrograde in Gemini square Pisces ’til the end of January) and (privately, ’til 2013, anyway) simply put pen to paper and create! Discovery awaits you. Your goal is to communicate with like minds. (Pssst… Don’t drink the Kool-Aid!) Neptunians: Back into the depths and unfathomable reaches of all of y’all’s private “beaches” (…and ya dudes too). Gotcha! It starts making sense after November “tense.” Gotcha ’gin! 11/10!

a ARIES (3.21-4.20)  You are world-conscious. You are creating, composing, camping, revamping, overamping, overreacting and over-“galacting.” You’re Kwai Changin’ it! Hey David, did you really have to “dress up” for a date with yourself? The planet Uranus retrograding in early Aries is asking the questions that’ll keep you guessin’, particularly confusing to March-born Aries. Seek brilliance. Your ruler Mars in Sagittarius ’til mid-November has the answers: By growing BIGGER you can encompass more truth and/to form a deeper perspective. Grasshopper, it’s time for you to leave and educate yourself and/by travel.

b TAURUS (4.21-5.20)  Almost over. Quit pickin’ at yourself or you’ll never heal… Kids, art, creativity, nature, perfection, botany, yoga, neatness, teaching, perfecting, transmitting and communicating — that’s where your pleasures exist. If you take care of any and all details now (concerning such pleasures), it will create a more harmonious scene (at work?) when Venus moves into 6th House of Libra, starting just before the next Full Moon in Taurus, on October 29th.

c GEMINI (5.21-6.21)  One more week of deep meditation into the depths of your recent interest in sex, life, recycling, redefining, resigning, death and regeneration has you emerging into the light of optimism, health and a more positive philosophy, as your ruler Mercury starts its visit through your opposite sign of Sagittarius just before the Full Moon on October 29th.

d CANCER (6.22-7.22)  Welcome to the Night of the Year. All things of culture are born at night. Some of us go to sleep for the season… Some of us hungries gorge beyond all reason. Some of us respond to the teasin’ and give it up to the one who’s most pleasin’! Ahhh… Love, sweet love! Our other appetite! It makes the world go ’round. Libra/Scorpio is the time to get down. It’s more fun being in love than not, right? It makes the coldest nights hot when you can give it all you’ve got. When it’s right, surrender to the fire to keep you and your spirit higher. Love is the way. That’s all I’ve got to say — except that I love you.

e LEO (7.23-8.22)  Sex at home. How does the MOJO know? Maybe it would prove more interesting if you invited someone over next time? Oh well, keep on practicing…“to keep the pressure off.” Try to get it in before Mercury moves retrograde on November 6th. Try to turn Election Day into erection day (unless it’s an all-girls slow-dance party?) and create a foundation for this coming season’s relationship to help keep you/it warm! There must be more than one way to show your love for another person — and when I figure it out I’ll be sure to let you all know. ’Til then… Love, da MOJO PO.

f VIRGO (8.23-9.22)  Read Leo please, and then Cancer, for the answer. Venus, the planet of love, is in your sign for another week. Let Venus come between us.

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